Purpose of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra |
This mantra encompasses many benefits and is chanted for:• Spiritual strength and energy for a speedy recovery when sick or on death bed. This mantra is also called as mrta-‐sanjeevani mantra. Mrityun jayati indicates the mantra with which one can win over death. Hence we chant this mantra for people’s welfare, health and speedy recovery when somebody is sick, bed ridden.
• Chanted for protection of the jiva in the other worlds when the soul departs
•Longevity of the hale and hearty souls invoking the following:
- shanti (peace)
- aishwarya(wealth)
- tusti(satisfaction or contentment)
- pushti (prosperity)
- moksha/Amritattvam (immortatily)
• Birthday celebrations seeking blessings for worthwhile and meaningful lives
o It is advised to chant this mantra at least 108 times on our birthdays to invoke the blessings and longevity in our lives. Swami Sivananda Maharaj also reiterates that on our birthday sincere seekers should seek this alternative for chanting the mantra at least 50,000 times to uplift our spirits. It marks a good beginning for the rest of the year ahead.The seeker also reaps the punya from this!
The primary purpose of our life is to find that moksha (release or liberation) from various bondages. The seeker sincerely prays that may I never ever lose sight of this goal, and may that vision never be snatched away from me. It is a potent mantra that serves entire mankind:
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